All orders are processed within 24 hours. We aim to have the orders "shipped" (picked up and scanned) by USPS within 48 hours or by the end of the business day of the first day.
However our limitation is USPS system showing a pickup/origin scan.
If USPS picks up on Monday, it could be as long as Wednesday or end of Wednesday before the tracking starts to pick up in the USPS tracking system.
When we generate a tracking number, it means your order is packaged and ready to be picked up by USPS.
We ship via USPS flat rate small boxes or a plastic shipping envelope "mailers" similar you'd receive from online / ecommerce orders. We can fit 3-4 boresnakes in the plastic mailers. If you order the larger shotgun boresnakes and multiple ones, we'll ship those in the USPS flat rate small box.